In New Mexcico ’tis the season for Biscochitos, Posole, pumpkin patches, and falling leaves. As we settle into autumn, now is a good time to focus on self-care to best enjoy the season.
Cannabis Considerations
During colder months we recommend strains rich in the terpene Ocimene. Terpenes are the pungent oils that give each strain of cannabis its scent and serve as ablueprint to how a strain will affect you. Ocimene is a terpene known to help clear chest congestion. This terpene is commonly found in herbs like basil in addition to cannabis.
Another beneficial terpene this time of year is Pinene. It is found in uplifting strains which can give you a needed energy boost on shorter winter days. It’s also a bronchodilator which is beneficial for those with asthmatic symptoms.
Lifestyle Check In
Taking preventative steps is an effective form of protection from getting sick.
Here are three good tips for keeping you 100% charged this season:
- Protect yourself from the flu. The best way to protect against the flu is to get vaccinated each year in the fall. Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Stay home if you get sick or if you’re expressing symptoms of illness.
- Wash your hands. Keeping clean hands is one of the most important steps you can take to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others. It’s best to wash your hands with soap and clean running water for at least 20 seconds.
- Feeling down? See your doctor. Antibiotics can cure bacterial infections, but not viral infections. The common cold and the flu are viral infections, so it’s recommended to avoid antibiotics if you have one of these. Always see your doctor to find out if your illness is bacterial or viral to get the treatment you need.
Cheers to your health from Verdes!

As the Head of Education & Culture for Verdes Cannabis, a legacy cannabis company in New Mexico, Kelly is responsible for researching, creating, and delivering cannabis education to not only staff but also to clients and the community. She has extensively studied cannabis for the last 5 years, receiving several certificates from the Medical Cannabis Institute and Medical Marijuana 411. She continues her studies by attending medical cannabis conferences and monthly webinars with the top researchers and doctors in the field of medical cannabis. She enjoys being able to use her extensive knowledge and training in cannabis to educate and help others learn about this amazing plant.